Hello people.
I am back.....not with a bang but with history......yessss HISTORY...... I know it may sound boring to some and few might not read a word more. The fact is, going through history is not boring but the way it is presented is. For example watching gladiator is more impact full to the same amount of population than reading the same in 2000.pages
Though, I respect everybody's choices and personnel preferences. :) :) :)
Though, I respect everybody's choices and personnel preferences. :) :) :)
Although, I belong to a hardcore science community but I enjoy digging up history in the books. According to me, its like a past mystery unfolding again !
Anyways, continuing with where I left, I bring *HISTORY* about the Indian Railways. The How's, the what's and the When's; in short the initial essentials of the present network of majestic Indian Railways.
I hope you all enjoy going through the post !!!!
The Beginning
The seed or the idea was initiated first on paper by Sir Rowland Macdonalds Stephensons who was a 19th century railway engineer and instrumental in building the East India Railway in the then British India. His paper titled 'Report upon the Practicability and Advantages of the Introduction of Railways into British India', which has been digitized by Google from University of Michigan. I wonder, such a long title would be accepted and appreciated for any report now a days !
But, isn't it shouting elegance and impact-fullness. Imagine Robert Downey Jr. speaking as Sherlock Holmes.
- Time I am about to talk about is the period when India was fully colonized under British empire. To overcome the issues of traveling, communication and transport of goods like cotton, the project of building rails was put up.
The seed or the idea was initiated first on paper by Sir Rowland Macdonalds Stephensons who was a 19th century railway engineer and instrumental in building the East India Railway in the then British India. His paper titled 'Report upon the Practicability and Advantages of the Introduction of Railways into British India', which has been digitized by Google from University of Michigan. I wonder, such a long title would be accepted and appreciated for any report now a days !
But, isn't it shouting elegance and impact-fullness. Imagine Robert Downey Jr. speaking as Sherlock Holmes.
An interesting plot upholding the curiosity quotient is, why exactly the report was made ! What was the need to have an official printed compiled points when it could have been materialized on the table.
Its like publishing the report before doing the Ph D.
line was laid near Chintadripet, a city near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Yeah, the Ph. D was done. ;p
It was an initiation by Captain Cotton to let people know how building railways as a mode of easy conveyance can just double the annual savings. The Government gave the nod and trials were done. But, this experiment gradually lost the interest and declined within a span of 10 years.
It was an initiation by Captain Cotton to let people know how building railways as a mode of easy conveyance can just double the annual savings. The Government gave the nod and trials were done. But, this experiment gradually lost the interest and declined within a span of 10 years.
The exact reasons are not known or to be precise not declared ! But a trivial was put up in 1845 The Foreign Quarterly Review May Edition stating - the Red Hill Rail Road perished because of being dependent on a canal near Punalur which occasionally dried there by hindering the travelling causing delay. It looks as an obvious reason but who knows their might be some other speculations.
This bridge known as the *Thirteen Arch Bridge* still stands and with the development and new constructions stand sturdy and in use. :) ==>>
Now we know , how the idea was made, tried, experimented and declined too. So, how did the idea got re-vitalized ? What made it to gain so much momentum that their was no looking back ?
That we will see in the next blog unraveling history ||stage: 2|| which will be posted up soon.
Till then keep travelling.... keep reading .... keep enjoying.
I hope you all enjoyed reading my blog..... Do comment and share. Feel free to add upon any information !